1. What is Scope & Extent? Explain the dynamic scopic rule.

2. Discuss the issue of scope and extent with examples from ALGOL60 and PL/1.

3. What is Activation Record? How it is created. Explain the runtime implementation of it using example.

4. Differentiate dynamic binding from static binding with examples.

5. Explain Call by value and  call by text with examples.

6. Discuss implementing runtime environment using displays.

7. Explain about parameter passing techniques.

8. What is the difference between scope and extent. Explain with an example.

9. Explain the various parameter passing mechanisms in pascal language with suitable examples.

10. Compare the Scope and extent policies of pascal and ALGOL languages.

11. Explain various classes of binding? 

12. What is Aliasing? Explain with examples.

13. Discuss the following

                        i) Scope

                        ii) Extent

                        iii) Binding & Aliasing

                        iv) Co-Routines

14. Explain Scope, life time, value and type of a variable. Give examples from PASCAL & 'C'

15. Explain the Features and Rules of static and dynamic binding in programming languages.

16. Explain static dynamic allocation of memory in programming languages.

17. Give the general features of procedures and parameter evaluation and passing methods of C language.

       Explain the above with suitable examples.

18. Explain parameter passing method in ADA.

19. Define Aliasing. Explain its merits and demerits.

20. Describe generic functions and co-routines.

21.  What are Displays.How are they used to access non local environment.

22. Give an implementation of SIMULA Co-routines.

23. In terms of power, a PL which includes recursive procedures does not need to supply statements for iteration. Show how one could write recursive procedures to get the same effect as the while, for statements of PASCAL.

24. a) Consider the program segment below

        A : begin

                B : begin

                    procedure P( )


                    end P

                    C : begin


                        D : call p ( )

                    end C


                        E : call P ( )


                end B

        end A

 Show the run time stack and the display immiditely before and after the two calls to P at labels D and E.

b) With the help of examples show the difference in results if dynamic scoping is used and static scoping is used to resolve varibles.